You will notice, as you sift through articles on here, a name that keeps popping up for one reason or another. The name is closely associated with things I enjoy, and products related to those endeavors. Some of you may have a strong opinion formed about this person one way or the other, so I thought I'd just drop a little line here to let you know where I stand on it, for what little it's worth. So, let's you and me talk for a minute about Mr. Bear Grylls.
You probably know Grylls from the Discovery Channel show "Man vs. Wild" in which he pits himself against harsh environments to display survival skills that, in theory, would help the viewer out in a similar situation. That, I think, was the idea behind the show originally at any rate. It's reported that Grylls is a former British Special Forces Soldier, and accomplished mountain climber, as well as what I guess you could call "man of action." I have, to date, taken all this as fact without doing too much research into it. No reason to doubt the claims. These are respectable things, if true, and should lend some creedence to what gets said on the show in general.
Now, let me sidetrack here for a minute and focus on my feelings about the actual content of the show, not necessarily Grylls resume. After having watched a good many episodes of the show, my feelings are that it is great fun and entertainment, especially for those who like the outdoors. There is also a good bit of information in the show, some not just survival oriented but cultural from the areas Grylls visits. The show is also, whether written this way or guided by Grylls nature, very fast paced and high octane, with the host often running and leaping about when he could otherwise conserve his energy and pay closer attention to his surroundings. That's just my feelings on it. Either way, one gets the impression that things are in a honking hurry, and there seems to be more focus on him bounding around the country and less on teaching about survival. Maybe it's 50-50. Who knows. Still fun to watch.
I don't dislike his style, techniques, or character. I don't mind the pace or his methods. I like to watch Grylls just fine. However, I don't worship him or place him on some kind of Survival God pedistal either. It's a tv show, and I give it due attention as such. I don't knock him or ignore what he says because he is a celebrity. I enjoy the show a great deal, but I don't take it as law. I tell you these things because I want you to understand me when I mention his name or a product associated with his name, that I don't have any feelings one way or the other about that connection. A knife or machete with his name on it is no more good or bad to me than one without it. His name doesn't make or break a product for me.
Now that I've cleared that up, I respect what Grylls does that I have seen on the show, as well as his background as it is presented, again, provided it's true. I think he's a truly entertaining adventurer to watch, and has even taught me a thing or two. I hear he has a new show about survival now, not sure of the title, and maybe I'll watch some of it one day. Bears consideration at least :)
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