Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well, this is just ducky. I had to work until 3 am this morning. I came home to an overflowing toilet. I tried to stop it own my own, but to no avail. As a result, my entire apartment flooded. Apparently, the city sewer had failed due to massive clog issues, so my complex got boned. My apartment got hit hardest. After frantic phone calls, the maintenance guy showed up and got the flooding to stop. They then had to rip out all carpet in my apartment and bleach everything.

I have not slept yet today, I'm wiped out. Sometime in the next couple days I should get new carpet. I really just want sleep.


1 comment:

@Kibramoa said...

Oh, my!! Water all over your home is not fun. Hope the repairs are completed in a timely fashion. Y'all take care.