Monday, November 12, 2012

Real reviews.

One of the reasons for the revamp to the site here stemmed from a point of frustration for me. Often times, when I go to look up something on the intarwebs to do a little research, especially to get info on a product, I get irritated with the lack of actual info. Too many, and I do mean way too effin many people will put up a "review" (I'm saying that word with a sarcastic 3rd grader nyah-nyah voice) of a product, and I'll be damned if it isn't just some crummy video of them taking the damned thing out of the box, and holding it in frame, spinning it around slowly like Vanna White while they basically regurgitate the marketing propaganda from the company that made the stinking widget to begin with. That is not a review, ya buffoons. On occasion one of these chimps will be honest with us all here on planet Earth, and label the video as an "unboxing." Jesus. How bad off are we now, as a species, that we actually want to go online and watch videos of other people opening a box with something we want to own inside it?? Damn.

So I got pretty fed up with clicking on a review, only to find that it had no useful information in it. I don't need a video to simply show me what an item looks like. Not many people were actually testing products or services, and then giving feedback on the experience. You're reading the result now. If I can get my grubby mitts on it, you can bet you'll have a write up in front of you before too long. Hopefully, at least one of these tips, articles, or actual really-real reviews will be helpful to you. And I promise you that you will never see an unboxing video from me. Ever. You have my word.


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