Monday, January 23, 2012


There aren't many things out there that feel as warm and fuzzy as a new pair of socks. You know the feeling, when they are at their best, their cushiest, best fitting. I love the feeling, especially when you go from a worn thin pair to the new ones. Heaven.

I recently decided to give some extra thought to my choice in foot underwear, rather than just pick up the same old. Now, I'm one of those people that hates a thick, cumbersome seam anywhere on my socks. It's like the Princess and the Pea, times a million. Especially in my work boots. Perhaps it's the way I walk, roll my feet, or maybe I just have overly sensitive feet, but regular socks with pronounced seams just seem to twist on my feet somewhere during the day, and I get a nasty ball-up under my big toe, right under the bone, and a large amount of pain and discomfort. So I learned a few years ago to put a little more thought into socks. I usually go with some of Hanes cushion socks, with their nifty "hardly-there" type seams. These are pretty damn comfortable, affordable, and last for a while, your mileage may vary. 

Best. Socks. EVER.
Last trip to "the store" I checked out everything they had. I was wondering if I could find something a little more sturdy, with more cushion, or at least thicker. I also wanted to try to find something with moisture wicking, as my feet have suddenly decided to sweat like a whore in church, no matter how cold it is inside/outside. I came across several different flavors of "work socks," but decided to try out some Dickies work socks. Sweet. Fancy. Moses. These are the most comfortable socks, not just work socks, any socks, I've ever worn. The cushioning is very, very nice, without being bulky. The heel and toe are reinforced without giving up comfort. The seams are, uh, seamless. Flat. Glorious. They have "compression" areas, just fancy talk for spandexy or elastic like areas of the sock that keep it in place. It works, when you wear these things inside a work boot all day, they really stay in place. No rolling, no turning, no bloody slipping down. The ventilation works really well, so the socks breathe easy. Not so sure yet on the moisture wicking, as my idiotic Hobbit feet tend to sweat even more in new socks, like they are nervous and concious of needing to keep up with the performance of the new gear. Morons. 

I think, given footwear that will breathe appropriately, they would do a good job of keeping your feet dry. Granted, these are not the most high tech of hoof skivvies, so I'm not expecting a miracle of the Sahara. 

So if you are thinking about upgrading your footwear, you might want to give these a go. So far, I'm sold on em.

All this has also (my wallet thanks my brain, Oh-so-much) brought to my attention the fact that I've neglected the respiratory and perspiratory systems of my work boots, which are apparently severely lacking. So I may need to look into a replacement set without the asthmatic clammy-sweats. That's a topic for another day.


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